Most Diseases in America

Most DIseases in AMERICA

1.Heart Disease

  • Here it becomes clear that the prime killers are diseases that attack the heart: heart attacks and heart failure.
  • Risk Factors High blood pressure, smoking, not being curious about one’s diet, lack of exercise and inheritance.


  • ·The second leading cause of death, this covers everything from lung cancer to breast cancer and prostate cancer.
  • Risk Factors Smoking, alcohol, denying one’s family a proper diet, lack of exercise and inheritance.

3.Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (CLRD)

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema are both included in this category.
  • Risk Factors Smoking pollution, including air pollutants and inheritage.


  • A break in the flow of blood to the brain results in loss of brain function and other problems.

Risk Factors High blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and heart disease.

Diabetes is a malady in sugar regulation. Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent form.

  • –Risk Factors Overweight, overeating junk food, lack of exercise and inheritance.

5.lzheimer’s Disease

  • ·Purpose: This disease makes the sufferers gradually lose their memories and decline into retardation. Symptoms. regularly changing.
  • ·Risk Factors: Age, family history and genetic predispositions.

6. Kidney Disease (Chronic Kidney Disease – CKD)

  • Purpose: This disease gradually destroys your kidneys and leads to kidney failure.
  • Risk Factors: Diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity or being overweight, history of the disease in your family.

7. Influenza and Pneumonia

  • Purpose: Acute diseases of the respiratory system are especially dangerous for Senior Citizens and people who are weakened because they have no immune system.
  • Risk Factors: Age, chronic conditions which affect the respiratory system and reduced immune function.

8. Mental Health Disorders

  • ·Purpose: Conditions such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder that disrupt a person’s emotional and mental equilibrium.
  • Risk Factors: Genetics, trauma from an incident in one’s past, stress and substance abuse are collective causes.


  • Purpose: Too much fat tissue raises several problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Risk Factors: A poor diet, lack of exercise, genetic factors and sometimes an emotional weakness can all contribute to obesity.

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